Saturday, November 16, 2013

Benjamin bloom

About Benjamin bloom

           Benjamin bloom  was born on 21st February 1913 in lands ford  Pennsylvania. . Bloom was the youngest of five children.
                    Bloom was especially devoted to his family (his wife, Sophie, and two sons), and his nieces and nephews. He had been a handball champion in college and taught his sons both handball and Ping-Pong, chess, how to compose and type stories, as well as to invent.
                    He received a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1935, and a Ph.D. in Education from the university of chicago  in March 1942. He became a staff member of the Board of Examinations at the University of Chicago in 1940 and served in that capacity until 1943, at which time he became university examiner, a position he held until 1959.
         As a youth, Bloom had an insatiable curiosity about the world. He was a voracious reader and a thorough researcher. He read everything and remembered well what he read. As a child in Lansford, Pennsylvania, the librarian would not allow him to return books that he had checked out earlier that same day until he was able to convince her that he had, indeed, read them completely.  

                      Benjamin Bloom died Monday, Sept. 13, 1999 in his home in Chicago. He was 86

career history

              After he finishing ph.D he got a chance to became a member of the board of Examination at the university of Chicago in 1940. He held the the position of university examiner. He held this position until 1954. Also he stayed there for thirty years. Ben bloom strongly influenced the field of education. this was conducted through his researches that he worked and get through experience from around the world with home he worked.  

              From 1943 to 1959 bloom served as University Examiner. After that he began discussion to taxonomy of educational goals in 1948, with a group of colleagues with the American Psychological Association.                                                         

bloom's taxonomy theory
        Benjamin bloom was the most influenced theorist to promote mastery learning and higher level of thinking. the main thing that focused on bloom's work was organizing educational objectives to their cognitive complexity. he was very much interested to find about the features of the higher mental process. he found this techniques by using special tools. thus, he created blooms taxonomy. he has exposed that through this theory we will know that student needed to recall information, comprehension, to analyze and to apply it and so on.

        this cognitive taxonomy is predicted on the idea that cognitive operations can be order in to six increasing complex levels. they are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing. evaluating and creating. each level is depends upon the student's ability to perform, for an example the ability to remember, the low level in the cognitive taxonomy. it assume that he or she had necessary information to remember it and apply it.  


          His work with Broder (Bloom & Broder, 1958) on the study of the thought processes of college students was another innovative and significant effort to get into the heads of students through a process of stimulated recall and think aloud techniques. What Bloom wanted to reveal was what students were thinking about when teachers were teaching, because he recognized that it was what students were experiencing that ultimately mattered. The use of think aloud protocols provided an important basis for gaining insight into the black box

            Bloom's Taxonomy designates higher and lower order skills related to the mastery of learning material. Learners "master" material by starting at the bottom of the taxonomy and working up, interacting with material in new ways with each step up the ladder. The bottom of the ladder is "lower level thinking" and the top "upper level thinking".The framework consists of six major categories: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The categories after knowledge were presented as “skills and abilities” with the understanding that knowledge was the necessary precondition for putting these skills and abilities into practice. 

                     Bloom believed students were given a higher quality of instruction through formative assessment and systematic correction. Thus nearly everyone can learn and eventually master concepts.
   applying to the class.
Bloom had a major impact on how to engage students and motivate them to work to the best of their abilities.
                  Bloom's six levels are used in classrooms to encourage critical thinking. The levels increase to the highest level: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. They begin with recall and increase to the top levels which require students to take their new knowledge and develop or create a product demonstrating the concept learned.

application of the theory to the classroom
           Bloom believed that education should focus on 'mastery' of subjects and the promotion of higher forms of thinking, rather than a utilitarian approach to simply transferring facts. Bloom's Taxonomy provides an excellent structure for planning, designing, assessing and evaluating training and learning effectiveness.

      bloom taxonomy was created by Benjamin bloom during 1950. it was categorize in to different level of skills. which is required to apply to a classroom. totally there are six level in the taxonomy. each single level id different from other level. as a teacher we should try to get students in to all level by regressing their knowledge.most of the time teacher gives test to asses the knowledge of the students. this is very common in every single class room. however rather than giving a simple remembering question we have to give the higher level into lesson plans and test. 
                      we have different level of student in every class room. the thinking skill of the different students are different. different students have different level of thinking. some of the students might be very creative than others. in the other hand some of the students might be remember and can apply to it. it is very important to every single teacher to apply different level of  question to a test starting from the low level to the highest level.rather than giving the same  level of question  teacher can give all level of questions. 

          according to Benjamin bloom the levels of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. The taxonomy provides a useful structure in which to categorize test questions, since professors will characteristically ask questions within particular levels, and if you can determine the levels of questions that will appear on your exams, you will be able to study using appropriate strategies.     

tutorial one

                         New Bloom Triangle
educational psychology tutorial ONE  

question no:

1) by providing examples discuss how a teacher can help become life long learner.

ans: a) if a child shows an interest in any subject, teacher should be able to look further and find out more creative way on it.

 example: if a child is interest in art teacher should can give the materials that they need to create their own art works.


      b) if the student encourage that behavior by simulating their imagination and giving them positive reinforcement creativity from their young age.


1)  if a child found difficulties in a certain subject (eg: English) teacher can help to student by understanding and giving positive comment that they can do it.


  2) in what ways do you thin teaching has become more profession than it was in the past? justify your answer with examples from the profession.

ans: a) the quality of trainee teacher has improved today.

example: today teachers are more qualified and than the past. teachers come up with more teaching methods and it help the student to learn easily with interest.

b) today teachers are more aware with student cognitive development.

example: different student used  different teching style and they used learn different learning methods. so it is very important to the teacher to know the different learning methods by using  development of stages





 tutorial three

(5) by providing example explain how maslow hierarchy of needs relates to a students motivation to study well.



ans: through Maslow theory it helps to motivate student as well as it helps to study well them.

              the Maslow hierarchy pyramid shows the needs of a student from the largest, most fundamental level of needs at the bottom and to the top of the layer of the pyramid. it contains what maslow called "deficiency needs" or "d-needs".


               for an example if a student is lack from love, care, trustand security they will not have any confidence on self esteem so they will not be able to study well. 

          secondly if the student is lack from physiological needs, this will affect to them a lot. because the most important to them to required a well health. if they are not getting enough food, water and air they can't study well in the class. they will not get involve in activities in their he class. so this is the most important thing a student need to motivate. also if the student is lack from safety needs, this also affect to them to get involve or motivate in activities. they will not trust to any one even though to the teacher also. because of this the student will not be motivate. so it is very important to get safety needs to every student to be motivate in the class. they need trust from their parents, security from their parents, Financial security,  Health and well-being etc.

         thirdly the important need is love and belonging. this is also very important to student to get to be motivate in the class and to study well. if they are fulfilled with this need they will be very aware with the friends, so it helps them to build threw relation with friends. even though they will build their relation with their parents. some student will get the support from the parents to them to study well. student will be able to share things parents. they will be able to share the happening in the class time so this will help the student to build their self confidence. 

               the fourth one to get self esteem. those student are with esteem they will respect to others and get respect from others. the student with low self esteem they need to get respect from will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally.

            so it is very  important to get these all basic needs to them to be motivate. if the Student is lack from any of these needs they will be not able to study well.




(9) Explain why morality is concern for students at school. provide examples

          morality for student at school is very important to them . because it helps to them to know what is the right and the wrong thing. if the student is lack from morality they will not able to get good behavior. because they don't know what is the right way to behave. Students surely benefit from performing community service, being reminded of important virtues, and practicing good habits.



        Additionally, schools are responsible for guiding children in the step by step developmental process, and moral development or learning ethical values is a step in the process of greater development. (Maddock, 1972)Therefore, it can be seen partly as schools’ responsibility to educate children in morality. Additionally, teachers spend a large portion of the day with the students, often more than even the children’s parents do with their kids. Therefore the teacher has ample opportunity to educate children not only in important academic subjects, but in character and values as well. (Schafersman, 1991. as we are teachers we should teach them the right and the wrong thing.


discussion forum

          Benjamin bloom's taxonomy  help the children to develop their level of thinking. with the help of the blooming taxonomy, the level of thinking skills of children  improve. At the first moment they begin with a very low level of thinking, but after that it moves to higher level of thinking. The six thinking skills from lowest level to highest level are:

How do you think the levels of bloom taxonomy help in teaching?