Saturday, November 16, 2013

tutorial one

                         New Bloom Triangle
educational psychology tutorial ONE  

question no:

1) by providing examples discuss how a teacher can help become life long learner.

ans: a) if a child shows an interest in any subject, teacher should be able to look further and find out more creative way on it.

 example: if a child is interest in art teacher should can give the materials that they need to create their own art works.


      b) if the student encourage that behavior by simulating their imagination and giving them positive reinforcement creativity from their young age.


1)  if a child found difficulties in a certain subject (eg: English) teacher can help to student by understanding and giving positive comment that they can do it.


  2) in what ways do you thin teaching has become more profession than it was in the past? justify your answer with examples from the profession.

ans: a) the quality of trainee teacher has improved today.

example: today teachers are more qualified and than the past. teachers come up with more teaching methods and it help the student to learn easily with interest.

b) today teachers are more aware with student cognitive development.

example: different student used  different teching style and they used learn different learning methods. so it is very important to the teacher to know the different learning methods by using  development of stages





 tutorial three

(5) by providing example explain how maslow hierarchy of needs relates to a students motivation to study well.



ans: through Maslow theory it helps to motivate student as well as it helps to study well them.

              the Maslow hierarchy pyramid shows the needs of a student from the largest, most fundamental level of needs at the bottom and to the top of the layer of the pyramid. it contains what maslow called "deficiency needs" or "d-needs".


               for an example if a student is lack from love, care, trustand security they will not have any confidence on self esteem so they will not be able to study well. 

          secondly if the student is lack from physiological needs, this will affect to them a lot. because the most important to them to required a well health. if they are not getting enough food, water and air they can't study well in the class. they will not get involve in activities in their he class. so this is the most important thing a student need to motivate. also if the student is lack from safety needs, this also affect to them to get involve or motivate in activities. they will not trust to any one even though to the teacher also. because of this the student will not be motivate. so it is very important to get safety needs to every student to be motivate in the class. they need trust from their parents, security from their parents, Financial security,  Health and well-being etc.

         thirdly the important need is love and belonging. this is also very important to student to get to be motivate in the class and to study well. if they are fulfilled with this need they will be very aware with the friends, so it helps them to build threw relation with friends. even though they will build their relation with their parents. some student will get the support from the parents to them to study well. student will be able to share things parents. they will be able to share the happening in the class time so this will help the student to build their self confidence. 

               the fourth one to get self esteem. those student are with esteem they will respect to others and get respect from others. the student with low self esteem they need to get respect from will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally.

            so it is very  important to get these all basic needs to them to be motivate. if the Student is lack from any of these needs they will be not able to study well.




(9) Explain why morality is concern for students at school. provide examples

          morality for student at school is very important to them . because it helps to them to know what is the right and the wrong thing. if the student is lack from morality they will not able to get good behavior. because they don't know what is the right way to behave. Students surely benefit from performing community service, being reminded of important virtues, and practicing good habits.



        Additionally, schools are responsible for guiding children in the step by step developmental process, and moral development or learning ethical values is a step in the process of greater development. (Maddock, 1972)Therefore, it can be seen partly as schools’ responsibility to educate children in morality. Additionally, teachers spend a large portion of the day with the students, often more than even the children’s parents do with their kids. Therefore the teacher has ample opportunity to educate children not only in important academic subjects, but in character and values as well. (Schafersman, 1991. as we are teachers we should teach them the right and the wrong thing.


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