Saturday, November 16, 2013

discussion forum

          Benjamin bloom's taxonomy  help the children to develop their level of thinking. with the help of the blooming taxonomy, the level of thinking skills of children  improve. At the first moment they begin with a very low level of thinking, but after that it moves to higher level of thinking. The six thinking skills from lowest level to highest level are:

How do you think the levels of bloom taxonomy help in teaching?



  1. Bloom's Taxonomy is a convenient way to describe the degree to which we want our students to understand and use concepts, to demonstrate particular skills, and to have their values, attitudes, and interests affected. It is critical that we determine the levels of student expertise that we are expecting our students to achieve because this will determine which classroom assessment techniques are most appropriate for the course. Though the most common form of classroom assessment used in introductory college courses--multiple choice tests--might be quite easy for assessing knowledge and comprehension (levels 1 and 2, Table 1), this type of assessment often falls short when we want to assess our students knowledge at the higher levels of synthesis and evaluation (levels 5 and 6).4

  2. Level One
    From the base knowledge level of the taxonomy you can see that you start with the usual ‘who’ ‘what’ ‘where’ and other questions. Those are useful fill-in-the-blank questions that help identification and recall of information.

    Level Two
    you’re asked to re-tell and dive in a bit deeper into the topic you’re researching or discussing. This helps aid in comprehension and organization / selection of facts and ideas.

    Level Three
    How do you actually apply the skills you’re learning? How can your new found critical thinking skills be used to interpret new data from outside sources?

    Level Four
    Like a good scientist (this is close to the Scientific Method after all), we must analyze the results that are now coming forth. We should pause and figure out how critical thinking skills are being incorporated into our everyday lives. Just ask the questions in level four and you’re off to a great start!

    Level Five
    Time to remix and synthesize some new ideas or formulations. In other words, let’s take what we know and combine a bit of what we just discovered. That’ll help us form new ideas and interpretations of what we’re studying or discussing.

    Level Six
    Boom. You made it. Time to form your own opinion and be able to discuss the finer points of why you think the way you do! Who knew it took so much work to actually be able to accurately form your own opinion?

  3. Bloom taxonomy theory help to make a perfect lesson plan. Do you agree about this statement? Why?
